State-of-the-art cataract microscope at Tewkesbury Hospital

February 29, 2024

State-of-the-art cataract microscope at Tewkesbury Hospital
The countywide Ophthalmology Cataract Service is provided in partnership by Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and Gloucestershire Health and Care Foundation Trust at Cheltenham General and Tewkesbury Hospitals.

As well as benefitting from the latest in technology, the donation also means that patients in Tewkesbury and the surrounding areas can continue to have their cataract surgery closer to home, rather than travelling to Cheltenham as Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust Tewkesbury Hospital Theatre Manager James Willetts explains:

“This new technology is much more advanced with improved quality of image which enables us to see every detail and this is replicated on the integral screen. This further supports our skilled team to work more effectively and offers an even better outcome for our patients now and in the future and we are so grateful for this generous donation.”

In this clip James introduces the microscope:

Mr Will Dean, Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon and Specialty Director and Lead for Cataract Surgery added:

“Together we perform well over 2,000 cataract operations every year and this is set to increase significantly. We are the only service in the county to offer a full and comprehensive service for everyone, no matter the severity of the cataract or type of anaesthetic needed and we provide supervised training opportunities for the next generation of eye surgeons. The new microscope is state-of-the art and provides a fantastic addition to the incredible facilities and surgical team at Tewkesbury Hospital and will undoubtedly benefit eye surgery patients for many years to come”.

Director of Cheltenham and Gloucester Hospitals Charity, Richard Smith, expressed the gratitude of the hospitals for the donation:

“The support will make an enormous impact for local patients and we are incredibly grateful for the continued support of Gloucestershire Eye Therapy Trust. Thanks to all those who give their support through donations, fundraising and gifts in wills innovations like this over and above NHS provision are made possible.”

State-of-the-art cataract microscope at Tewkesbury Hospital
On formally presenting the microscope, Chair of the Gloucestershire Eye Therapy Trust and retired Tewkesbury GP, Dr Andrew Crowther:

“I’m delighted that this new hospital has its own theatre and can continue to provide eye cataract surgery. We were very happy to be able to fund this very important piece of equipment.”

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