Home Safety
Home safety is an important part of child health. We work closely with health visitors, children’s centres and other child health professionals to make sure that Gloucestershire’s under-fives are well protected from unnecessary accidents.
About this service
We provide a wide range of services designed to make your home as safe as possible for your child.
Our staff are trained to recognise potential dangers, and to give advice on measures to take to avoid serious accidents occurring. If there’s anything that we can do on the spot, we will. We can also offer advice on the right kind of safety equipment to use and if necessary we can provide and fit it for you. We send you a copy of our survey shortly after our visit.
Home safety visits are a proven way of reducing child accident rates and of preventing the pain, anguish and suffering caused by preventable accidents in the home.

Home Safety Check Scheme
The Gloucestershire Home Safety Check Scheme visits homes throughout Gloucestershire with children under 5 years old, to offer free, friendly advice on ways to minimise the risk of accidents in the home.
The team can identify any safety equipment which may be useful, they can also supply and fit the equipment.
A wide range of items including fire guards, stair gates and window locks are provided at low cost, and there is no charge for the fitting. The team also works with medical and social care professionals, charities and voluntary agencies to provide equipment free of charge to families in need.
Talks, displays and exhibitions
If you are organising a safety display or exhibition, or if you would like to talk to a group that you are involved with on our safety services, please get in touch. We are only to happy to help
- Gloucester Skillzone – Gloucestershire’s first safety education centre

Contact Us
0300 421 6418
Monday to Friday: 9am – 5pm
Quedgeley Clinic
St James