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Finding us & more information
Gloucestershire Community Dental Service operates across 6 specialist sites within Gloucestershire and our services are available to patients living in the county who would benefit from special care dentistry.
In this page
If you feel that you or someone you care for would benefit from being treated within our service, please discuss a referral with your dentist, doctor or other healthcare professional.
You may be caring for someone who is house-bound / bed-bound and are unable to leave their residence for any reason i.e. doctor appointments, hairdresser / barber, podiatry or social occasions etc. Referrals will be accepted from individuals, family members, carers or healthcare professionals for people who meet our strict acceptance criteria. (Please see domiciliary ‘home’ visits.)
Please be aware that some clinics are only open to patients on certain days of the week and do not have reception facilities.

Get in Touch
Need to contact one of the team? Use this form and we’ll direct your message to the right person.
Emergency appointments
Emergency appointments for Gloucestershire Community Dental Service patients
Urgent pain relief can be accessed as below:
In Hours (8.45am – 5.00pm Monday to Friday.)
Patients seen regularly or under a current course of treatment with the Gloucestershire Community Dental Service should contact the clinic that they normally attend for advice. If this clinic is closed, patients should contact our clinic in Gloucester by calling 0300 421 6440.
Out of Hours (5.00pm – 8.00pm weekdays, 9.00am – 3.00pm Weekends and Bank Holidays)
Our patients should call 0300 421 6440. Current NHS dental charges may apply.
Emergency appointments for patients who do not have a dentist that they visit regularly or are visiting Gloucestershire
In hours (8.30am – 5.00pm) & out of hours
For all emergency appointments, please contact NHS 111 by dialing 111 from your telephone.
Current NHS dental patient charges apply unless proof of exemption can be provided and the usual charges will also apply when getting a prescription dispensed.
Failed or cancelled appointments
If you need to change or cancel an appointment, please give us as much notice as possible, and we can look for an alternative time that is convenient.
Appointments cancelled at short notice may mean the dentist’s time could have been used to see and treat another patient. Please let us know if you are unable to attend an appointment, so that we can offer time to someone else.
If you fail to keep an appointment, subsequent appointments you have made may need to be cancelled.
It is important to the health and wellbeing of our patients that they receive input from the dental service to receive any necessary treatment and maintain their oral health. If children or vulnerable adults are not brought to appointments, please be aware that we have a duty of care to share this information with their GP and other agencies involved with their welfare.
Accessing an NHS dentist
If you wish to find an NHS dentist near you:
Visit the NHS Website:
If you have a dental problem call NHS 111 by dialling 111 from your phone.
NHS dental charges
There are three standard charges for NHS dental treatment which are set nationally every April.
Band 1 – £23.80 – This charge will include an examination, diagnosis and preventive care. If necessary, this will include x-rays, scale and polish, and planning for further treatment. Urgent and out of hours care will also cost £23.80.
Band 2 – £65.20 – This charge includes all necessary treatment covered by the £23.80 charge PLUS additional treatment such as fillings, root canal treatment or extractions.
Band 3 – £282.80 – This charge includes all necessary treatment covered by the £23.80 and £65.20 charges PLUS more complex procedures such as crowns, dentures or bridges.
There is no charge for writing a prescription, although normal charges apply for getting prescription dispensed. There is no charge for removing stitches and repairs to dentures are free.
More information can be found on the following easy read leaflet.
We welcome feedback
Patients should make comments, compliments or complaints to:
Service Experience Team
1010 Pioneer Avenue
Gloucester Business Park
Gloucester, GL3 4AW
TEL: 0300 421 8313
Zero tolerance
Patients and visitors should treat NHS staff, fellow patients, carers and other visitors politely and with respect.
Any form of violence or intimidation against staff working in the NHS is unacceptable, is not tolerated and will be reported.