

Get advice and support from a school nurse by text message

ChatHealth offers support to young people with questions relating to a wide range of health and wellbeing issues including: relationships, bullying, healthy lifestyle, anxiety, drugs, smoking, stress, body worries, alcohol, self-harm and sexual health. As well as giving advice, the school nursing can signpost to appropriate services and other support.

Send a text message to
07507 333351

Messages are delivered to a secure website, and a school nurse will respond to you. The service is available Monday to Friday from 9am to 4.30pm, excluding bank holidays. Someone will usually get back to you within 24 hours. If you contact us outside of office hours, you will receive a message explaining where to get help if your question is urgent, and when you can expect a response.

Although the service is confidential and you do not need to give your name, we might need to share information if we are worried for your, or someone else’s safety.
