School-based vaccination catch-up clinics

School-based vaccination catch-up clinics
Our immunisation team is offering ‘catch-up’ clinics for children who have missed their school-based vaccinations.

If your child has just finished  Year 8 or 9 they will have been routinely offered their Human Papilloma (HPV), MenACWY (meningococcal) and DTP (diphtheria, tetanus and polio) at school during the 2022/23 academic year.

For those who missed their vaccinations due to being absent from school at the time, who are home schooled or not in education, our team are running clinics at community venues across Gloucestershire offering HPV, MenACWY and DTP to Year 8 and 9 pupils.

Parents and guardians who are unsure whether their children are up to date with their HPV, DTP and MenACWY vaccinations, including those in Year 10 and Year 11, are encouraged to get in touch with our immunisation team by calling 0300 421 8140. They will check your child’s record and offer them catch-up vaccinations if needed

Catch-up clinics are happening at the following locations on these days:

  • Wednesday 23 August
    Stroud Community Clinic, Stroud Maternity Hospital GL5 2JB
    North Cotswolds Hospital, Moreton-in-Marsh GL56 0DS
  • Thursday 24 August
    Dilke Memorial Hospital, Speech House Road, Cinderford GL14 3HX
  • Tuesday 29 August
    Cheltenham West Fire Station, Tewkesbury Road, Uckington GL51 9TZ
  • Wednesday 30 August
    Lydney & District Hospital (Outpatients), Grove Road, Lydney GL15 5JE

All clinics run between 9.30am and 2.30pm and are by appointment only.  

If your child is unable to attend any of the above clinics, please contact the immunisation team who will endeavour to make alternative arrangements. 

For further information, or to book an appointment, call the immunisation team on 0300 421 8140.

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