To thicken or not to thicken?

There have been recent changes to the evidence base surrounding the use of thickener to manage swallowing difficulties. This page contains the latest national guidance from the Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists, as well as links to resources and information on supporting safe eating and drinking.

The Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists (RCSLT) has recently published national information and guidance on the use of thickened fluids in the management of people with swallowing difficulties. 

There is a helpful document for clinicians which summarises the changes in the use of thickened fluids in the management of drinking and swallowing difficulties (dysphagia).

The Gloucestershire Speech and Language Therapy (SLT) Department would like to issue some companion advice to the ‘key points’ section on the thickened fluids clinicians briefing. This advice is specific to our Trust:

  • Speech and Language Therapists (SLTs) will sometimes recommend a short-term trial of thickened fluids following an initial triage assessment (e.g. via telephone) while the service user awaits formal assessment.
  • Once a service user has been advised to have thickened fluids, the need for continued SLT review will be determined on an individual basis. For some, the recommendation for thickened fluids is long-term advice and does not always require regular or ongoing input.
  • Please be mindful that thickener use can cause complications such as reduced fluid intake, dehydration, chest infections and constipation – for more details please refer to the potential adverse effects in the leaflet.
  • Consider the impact of thickener on prescribed medications.

Please click on the below links for information relevant for patients and their carers/relatives:


If you would like this information in an easy read or on audio format, please contact the Trust Communications Team at
