
Provided by the Care Home Support Team

The training we provide covers a range of subjects including falls awareness, MUST, accountability and documentation, dignity in care and recognising the sick and deteriorating resident.

The training can include reflective discussions, team workshops and one to one training and takes into account best practice reflecting changes in regulation, national and local health and social care policies. This training is usually delivered at the care home itself.

We also hold CPD events throughout the year and have included such subjects as tissue viability, nutrition and end of life care. These whole day events are great opportunities for care homes to network and gain knowledge of current evidence based practice.

Additional details on dementia training and pathways are available here.

Contact us

Edward Jenner Court
1010 Pioneer Avenue
Gloucester Business Park
GL3 4AW.

Call 0300 421 8293

Training sessions


  • Accountability and Documentation – Overview of code of conduct, accountability awareness, duty of candour, documentation. Applies to both nurses and HCAs.
  • Person Centred Care – Overview of person centred care including dementia and care planning
  • Catheter Care/Continence – Promotion of continence within care homes. General catheter care
  • Diabetes Awareness – Type 1 and 2 diabetes. Hypo and hyperglycaemia. Complications of diabetes and healthy eating.
  • Dignity in Care – The training provides insight into providing care in a dignified manner
  • End of Life Awareness – EOL awareness, Shared care Record, ,RESPECT, ‘Just in Case’ bags
  • T34 Syringe Pump – Session includes instruction on how to set up and monitor Syringe pump. Guidance on indications for use, and safe practice.
  • Infection Control – Infection control awareness, precautions and procedures
  • Pressure Ulcer Prevention/SSKIN Bundle/Skin tears/ and use of emollients – The training provides an understanding of and how to prevent pressure sores. Skin tear pathway and use of emollients
  • Tissue Viability Training – wound care and dressings using the Gloucestershire wound formulary
  • Recognising the Sick and Deteriorating Resident/NEWS/SBAR/Sepsis – ABCDE assessment, sepsis, overview of NEWS 2, SBAR

Occupational Therapy

Falls Awareness
(mix of PowerPoint and practical)
Session is 2 hours in total

Falls awareness PowerPoint presentation outlines some of the common causes of falls and gives top tips on how to reduce the risk of residents’ falls. Using the CHST Sensory Loss Suit to help staff understand what can cause falls and to help staff reduce the risk of further falls for residents. (Specific cases may be discussed in the session and targeted care plans formulated). NB. All staff attending must be able to take part in the practical part of the session using the sensory loss suit.

Mental Capacity Act (2005) – A quick guide for care home staff
Session is 1 hour in total
Aimed at all staff to raise awareness and give a basic understanding of the 5 key points of the MCA, an understanding of the 2 stages to a capacity assessment and how to access further info on MCA and DoLS.

Gloucestershire Meaningful Activity and Wellbeing Network (Glos MAWN)
Sessions are 3 hrs in total

Aimed at Activity staff, carers and managers providing activities for people they support. Meetings are held in 4 Gloucestershire localities 3 x per year.
Dates for 2020 are in February, June and September.

Sensory Loss Experience
(mix of PowerPoint and practical)
Session is 2hrs in total

A chance for staff to experience hands on how older people with limited movement and/or sensory loss (which may also include Dementia) experience their environment. A variety of mobility aids are used.
Focus on: Falls awareness, eating/drinking

Are your residents sitting comfortably? Basic seating & postural management
Session is 2 hrs in total

This training helps care and nursing staff address basic seating issues where referral to a seating specialist is not appropriate. (Specific cases may be discussed in the session and targeted care plans formulated).


The Care Home Support Team Dietitian arranges CPD events every year and is available to support homes where there are concerns raised relating to nutrition and hydration e.g. MUST training. The Dietitian can be contacted via or on 0300 421 8293. The CHST nutrition and hydration webpage has lots of useful resources to access so please check this first before contacting the CHST Dietitian.

Making Eating a Positive Experience – To understand what makes it difficult for residents to eat and drink independently and how to make this a positive experience for them

Malnutrition Universal Screening Tool & Nutritional Screening (MUST) – A toolkit to identify residents who are at risk of malnutrition. For nurses and health care assistants.

Oral Health  – NICE guideline. Importance of oral health and how to assist with oral health. Currently a project being undertaken by dental service

Medicines Management

The Care Home Pharmacy team arrange CPD events in the year and are available to support homes where there are concerns raised relating to medication e.g. medication incidents. They can be contacted via

The CHST Medicine Management page has examples of on-line medicines management training resources.

  • Medication Administration Records (MARs) Training – Missed Dose
    Looks at how to complete a MARs correctly, in line with regulations. To understand the consequences of missed medication doses particularly for residents with Parkinson’s disease
  • PRN – Understand when and how to use as required medicines appropriately.
  • Covert Administration of Medications – Making a mental capacity assessment and a best interest decision, and writing pharmaceutical care plans.

Mental Health Specific Training

Please note: It is recommended that people have attended dementia awareness training before coming on any of the below training courses delivered by the mental health team.

You can book on to 1 day dementia training here.

Communication and practical skills based session
(2 hour session)
Top tips for communication. Gain awareness of the process and experience of dementia. Practice skills that will support being able to connect with a person living with dementia.

Dementia Doll Therapy
(30 minute session)
Introduction and overview to doll therapy and the do and don’ts.

Gloucestershire 5 Step Approach
(2 hour session)
Explore behaviours that challenge. Personalised care planning.

Delirium – (sudden change)
(2 hour session)
What is delirium and how to recognise it, spot it, treat it and prevent it.
