Speech and Language Therapists (SLT) –
Community Learning Disability Team
Our Speech and Language Therapy (SLT) Service is managed by the Head of Profession for Speech and Language Therapy. The SLT clinicians are based within the Community Learning Disability Teams (CLDT), Mental Health and Later Life Services. The service covers Gloucestershire and Herefordshire.
Speech and Language Therapy
Our Speech and Language Therapy (SLT) Service is managed by the Head of Profession for Speech and Language Therapy. The SLT clinicians are based within the Community Learning Disability Teams (CLDT), Mental Health and Later Life Services. The service covers Gloucestershire and Herefordshire.
What we do
SLTs support people with their communication and eating and drinking. It is a degree level entry profession and all our SLTs are registered with the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) and are members of the Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists (RCSLT). The HCPC and RCSLT have codes of practice, conduct and standards which govern SLT practice.
We work within
- Community Learning Disability Team
- Memory Assessment Service and Dementia
- Older Age Mental Health
- Education and Training
Community Learning Disability Team – SLT
Speech and language therapists are part of the Community Learning Disability Team (CLDT) which covers Gloucestershire and Herefordshire.
We support any adult who needs help with their communication and /or eating and drinking and who has a diagnosis of a learning disability and is registered with a Gloucestershire and Herefordshire GP or funded by Gloucestershire or Herefordshire CCG. We also support their transition from children’s to adult services.
We work with family members of people with a learning disability, GPs, hospitals, social workers and colleges, as well as other people who may need advice on how best to support someone with a learning disability.
We are part of a multi-disciplinary team (MDT), which also includes occupational therapists, physiotherapists, psychiatrists, psychologists and nurses.
If the person with a learning disability is already known to the CLDT, a referral can be made directly by contacting their local CLDT. The local team would be determined by the location of the person’s GP. Referrals can be made by the person themselves or by family members, carers, provider services and other health, education or care professionals.
If the person is not known to the CLDT, referrals will need to be directed via their GP.

Memory Assessment Service
The team
Speech and Language Therapists work within the Gloucester Managing Memory 2gether and Herefordshire Memory Services.
To see SLT, you need to have a referral accepted by the Memory Service.
If you are worried about your memory or communication, it is important that you visit your GP in the first instance to rule out other possible causes of memory loss.
In most cases your GP will conduct a physical health check and request that blood tests are done. If the GP feels it is appropriate, they will refer you to the memory assessment service.
We are based within the Memory Assessment Service in both Gloucestershire and Herefordshire.
Referral to our service
If you are experiencing communication or language difficulties as highlighted through the memory assessment process, then a member of the memory assessment team may refer you for a specialist SLT assessment. The aim of this is to understand the cause of your memory problems and to provide communication advice for you and your family or friends.

If you have been referred for a SLT assessment through the Memory Service, we will make contact with you directly or through your preferred contact. We will then arrange a convenient appointment to meet with you, normally at your home. It is helpful to have a family member or friend present for the assessment. We will discuss your memory and communication further and then complete a language assessment. The results of this assessment will be shared with you and the Memory Service consultant psychiatrist to contribute towards any diagnosis. We will also provide tailored communication advice and strategies for you and your family or friends.
Leaflets / resources
Information is available to help you give voice to people who have dementia and communicate with them.
You can also give us your views.
Useful Videos
Education and Training
Coming Soon
Older Age Mental Health
Coming soon